A mentor is described as an experienced person, who acts as a confidential helper and guide to another to stimulate professional development and make it more effective. Having a breakfast or lunch meeting once month with somebody who just’ s listen to you toot your own horn and tell you how great you are is not what a mentor does. Furthermore a mentor isn't somebody who likes to talk about how great they are and how you should follow in their path.
In the past when I was searching for a mentor I sat down and made a list of what my expectations for mentor would be. Here is what I came up with:
- Formal relationship not just casual conversations, each meeting should have an agenda and defined message or outcome
- Someone to help me strengthen my weakness
- Someone to help build on my interests
- Someone that has had experiences that challenged them to grow and become a better person
Furthermore, I expect my mentor to look at my total body of work. In that, I don't believe that you can separate who you are in personal life versus who you are in the professional arena. Your mentor should be working with you develop you as a person.
What is your mentor relationship like, formal or informal? Do you have defined roles and responsibilities with your mentor? How has a mentor benefited you?
Future Blog: How to find a mentor
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