Is project success or failure solely the responsibility of the Project Manager? In my opinion the answer is NO. This may surprise some but if we don't have involvement, commitment, and bravery by sponsors of the project more than likely a project will fail. Furthermore organizational leadership must create an environment that supports a project environment.
"Proper scope definition is critical to project success" this is not some quote from a great project manager, rather text that is straight out of the PMBOK. It Is the responsibility of the project sponsor to set the scope expectations for a project. Driving to fulfillment of expectations is the function of the project manager. Problems arise when expectations are not clear or informal. Conversely if expectations and the method of manging them are to complex or rigid it becomes difficult to manage any requests for change.
Failure to set and manage expectations is certainly a major cause of project failure. The practical ones among us know that the reason project management is difficult is that we really need to keep our project artifacts and techniques flexable enough so that we can produce predictable, professional results while at the same time accommodating any necessary change.
No one said project success was easy, what are your thoughts?